Saturday, May 21, 2011

18 months old!!

Yesterday was Michael's 18 month birthday. I cannot believe he has been in our lives for 18 months already. I still remember very clearly the day I found out I was pregnant and the day he was born. On the other hand, I can't really remember what life was like without him.  I have decided to steal an idea from a couple blogs that I have seen and list 18 things about Michael at 18 months... (And of course show off some pictures!)

1. Michael weighs 26 lbs. 
2. He started walking about 2 months ago and has not stopped since! I was a tad bit worried when he wasn't
    walking at 1 year and now I wonder why I ever wanted him to start.
3. Michael is severely allergic to peanuts. He is also allergic to soy, wheat, eggs, beef, seafood and dogs.
4. He has the best belly giggle ever! And if he laughs too much, he gets the hiccups : )
5. Michael knows a few words including mama, dada, dissa (sister), cracker and his favorite is ball. (He
    actually says "Oh, ball!" whenever he sees one)
6. We may have to start calling him Linus as he loves LOVES his blankets. He drags them everywhere and if
     he can't find one, he will pick up something from the dirty clothes pile and drag it around.
7. He (knock on wood) sleeps through the night almost 12 hours.
8. He loves Pirate Booty! This is the best snack for a kid with allergies!
9. He will walk into the kitchen, grab a snack cup from the lower cupboard and walk over and point it to the
    fridge. (The Pirate Booty is on top of the fridge)
10. To get downstairs, he will high center himself on his tummy and basically "fly" down the stairs usually
      faster than any of us can get down them.
11. He will sit with a book in his lap and "read" it.  This is very cute to listen to!
12. He dislikes getting greased up (as we call it). He becomes a squirmy, slippery fish.
13. Favorite breakfast food: Oatmeal
14. Michael likes to play Minute to Win it with the Costco packages of wipes. Let me see how many wipes I
      can get out of here before mom catches me.
15. He is a climber!! (Enough said!)
16. Busy, busy, busy!! (Again, enough said!)
17. He loves to play eat mommy's cell phone.
18. He is the biggest joy in our lives and we couldn't imagine life without him!!

I took these pictures this morning on the stairs while Michael was playing with daddy's CWU hat.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are too cute.....he looks a lot like Adam there!
    And I laughed out loud at the "minute to win it" comment ;)
    It's been too long since we've seen mr Michael!
