Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thanks for your sacrifice!

Today's post was going to be about my organizing missions this week. I just finished watching the memorial for Trooper Tony Radulescu and have decided to change course a little for today.

Most of you know that I am a proud LEO wife. Adam graduated from the law enforcement academy in May of 2009 after what seemed like the longest 5 months of my life.  We were looking forward to adding to our family in November of that year and becoming a Pierce County Sheriff's Deputies family. Adam's graduation was a proud day for me and the rest of our family. I was so excited (and a little scared! Not gonna lie.) to see what a future in law enforcement would hold for him.

On Halloween night 2009, Officer Timothy Brenton of the Seattle Police Department was shot while discussing a patrol stop with his trainee in his patrol vehicle. While all incidents like this have been tragedies, they never really hit home.  That is until my husband became a law enforcement officer. Suddenly I realized, this could have been my husband who had just graduated from the academy 5 short months earlier.  Over the next couple months, I did not realize I would have to become more and more immune to this situation.

On November 29, 2009, four Lakewood Police officers were gunned down and killed in a local coffee shop while having coffee shortly before starting their shift for the day. I turned on the TV that morning and watched all the action unfold while holding my 9 day old little boy.  I am now thinking that this could be the father of my two children. How could I ever explain to our 5 year old that daddy was no longer with us?  I could not imagine being the wife or husband of one of those officers and having to explain it to their children. I remember the day of the service, Adam sent me a picture from his phone of all the cars lined up for the procession. He just said, "Wow, this is amazing!"  I wish I could have been there with him to give him the biggest hug. There he was a rookie deputy of 6 months attending the memorial of 4 fellow officers. I can't imagine what was going thru his head. As my grief and sorrow built up, so did my pride.  My husband was a first responder, put his life on the line every day and was amazing at what he did!!

On December 21, 2009 two of Adam's fellow Pierce County Deputies responded to a domestic violence call and were shot by the suspect. Sargent Nick Hausner survived the attack after being in critical condition for several days. Deputy Kent Mundell died from his wounds a week later. Deputy Mundell's death was number 6 in the Seattle-Tacoma-Pierce County area in 6 months and in Adam's first 6 months as a deputy! So scary!!  I attended Kent's procession and service with Adam and the rest of the Pierce County Sheriff's Department and learned first hand what Adam was talking about. WOW! was all I could say! What an amazing tribute to a fallen hero. Adam's Uncle Pat was responsible for a lot of the behind the scenes work that it took to put the service together.

Adam had asked me to ride with him several times but with all of this going on, you can imagine my hesitation. I finally put aside my fears and anxieties and on New Years Eve 2010 rode with him for the first time. I have ridden with him twice since then and I couldn't be more proud!! It is amazing to watch him and his fellow deputies work together to face the next call. I can see how the bond between them grows so quickly and continues to become closer each day.

In 2012 there has been two line of duty deaths, one of park ranger Margaret Anderson in Mount Rainier National Park and the most recent shooting death of Washington State Trooper Tony Radulescu a week ago. Each time I watch the memorials on TV, I tear up when the families speak, the video memoirs are played and when the last call is played. And the bagpipes, let's not even go there : ) I can't help but think if that was me and my family, what those families are going thru.

Every day after Adam leaves, I spend the next 10 hours keeping myself busy so as to not worry and only go to bed when I can't keep my eyes open anymore. My automatic-my cop is not home yet-alarm almost always wakes me up around 1:30am when I have not heard the velcro of his vest or boots. He usually is home within minutes but not before my heart is beating 100 mph. So when I hear him, I breathe a sigh of relief and fall back asleep.  I think it will take a long time (if ever) for this feeling to go away. I pray for his and all officers safety each day.

I guess this got kind of long. But this is all to say THANK YOU to those officers who have given their lives doing what they love. THANK YOU for sacrificing your family everyday to keep complete strangers safe. THANK YOU for leaving your spouses in bed alone at night to patrol the streets. THANK YOU for missing holidays, sporting events and birthday parties to settle an argument at some strangers celebration.
To my amazing husband and LEO, THANK YOU for what you do for our community. THANK YOU for being the amazing husband and father you are while facing the stresses of your job. THANK YOU for being there for your fellow officers even when I selfishly would like you home. I love you and am so proud of all you do!!

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