This about sums up my mornings. We have put the desktop in Mykayla's room for a lack of a better place at this time. She mainly uses it for a night light to fall asleep to : ) Every once in a great while she will actually get on it. Anyway, the last couple weeks in the mornings her bedroom is where I have been hanging out. I have been busy looking for jobs online, uploading pictures, ordering pictures, blogging or just playing on Facebook : ) You can probably guess who my little buddy is that hangs out with me...Yep, that would be Michael. He takes advantage of sister being at school and takes control of her bedroom because he knows this is the only safe time to do so. (As I type, World War III is going in the background because he want in her room) You would think that the poor child has no toys of his own in his room. I guess sisters are more fun to mess with. This morning was no different for our routine and Michael did his best to dump every bucket in sisters room. I would then pick it up and turn around to another one being dumped. Here is what it looked like...

Today he brought in his books to add to the fun.
Dollhouse furniture and somewhere mixed in there is Legos
All sorted.
Shoes got dumped too!
And this is all the boy toys in his room still in all their nice little buckets.
Like I said, poor kid must not have any toys of his own : )
I know I should probably cherish the mornings we spend together wrecking Mykayla's room because soon he will want nothing to do with me I am sure. So for now, I guess it is worth the dumping, sorting and putting away several times.
* Since I have been trying to keep up on those "resolutions', you should know that we walked again today! We took all last week off because of "severe winter weather". We couldn't have walked down our driveway none the less the neighborhood. We had tons of snow followed by tons of ice. Today's walk was a good one and I started a little speed walking. Even Adam was having a hard time keeping up. The last 3 to 4 blocks of our walk, Mother Nature apparently thought we needed another shower for the day and we got dumped on.
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