Monday, January 30, 2012

A blessing in disguise

I found these two quotes on Pinterest recently and they could not be more true in my life right now. 

After working for Kindercare as a Prekindergarten/Kindergarten teacher for 4 1/2 years, I was put on suspension two days before Christmas for "failing to report suspected child abuse by a co-worker in a timely manner."  I asked to be suspended because there was a chance I would be fired and I knew I would not be the same teacher that I am every day knowing in the back of my mind that I would not see my kids the next day. They needed to investigate whether what I had done (or not done, depending on who you ask) was grounds for termination.  Fast forward two weeks, I called my work to see if they had made a decision and was asked to come in that afternoon. I can honestly say that I thought they would ask me to come back and this would be a final warning. I was shocked, angry and confused to learn that my termination paperwork was waiting for me.  I tried to gain enough composure to go gather 4 1/2 years of stuff from my classroom and avoid seeing my students as my boss was sure this would be very hard for them. I am not sure I agree with this but did not want to make a scene in front of them. I got to see one of them but only for a brief moment while her dad picked up. I gathered up what I could see in front of me in my classroom and then came the hardest part for me, cleaning out Michael's stuff. I considered Kindercare Mykayla and Michael's second home and this broke my heart! I loved Michael's teachers! Ms. Maria, the cook took the best care of him and his allergies, making sure he had a Michael safe lunch everyday when his slacker mom forgot : ) I grabbed his blankets that he napped with everyday there and his portfolio full of the best work his teachers had saved. When I got out to the van, I called Adam and my sister and cried a million tears before trying to head north for the weekend.

Throughout this whole time, I have been trying to see the positive just as both these quotes state in different ways. It seems like those kind of quotes find there way to Pinterest at just the right time. I wouldn't say I made a wrong choice just a poor, not thinking straight kind of choice. Obviously if I had to do this over, I would say something sooner but what is done is done. The way I look at it this is a blessing for me and my family in disguise. I had many days while working there that I wanted to get up and walk away but didn't because I LOVED my kids and I LOVED what I did! Trying to remain positive is not easy for that reason. These last two weeks I have missed my kids so much and many little things remind me of them. I was almost in tears at the library today thinking about how I used to diligently pick books out for them for each new unit. Not walking out of the library with 40 to 50 books was hard for me. Anyway, back on track...being positive means moving on and letting go. It has been four weeks and I am getting there. I know life does go on and this was for the better. Just need to keep telling myself that!!

I am confident this choice will bring me to the right place and I will develop from this negative in my life.

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