Thought it would be fun to share some photos from my iPhone lately since I can't possibly share them all on Facebook, as much as I would love to : ) When I first got my iPhone I installed the Instagram app because at the time, I thought it would be the only way to upload to Facebook. I learned that I could upload directly to Facebook and kind of forgot about it. This past month, I was playing around on my phone and "rediscovered" Instagram and all the cool things you can do on it. Did you know you can follow people on Instagram? Which means you get to see all the cool pictures other people take too. You can also add a border or one of many tints to your photo to give it a sharper look, an old fashion look or just black and white.So much fun stuff to do!! So as I am playing on Instagram, I notice that some people have made their pics into collages which of course, I wanted to try. I found Nostalgia in the app store, installed it and now can make neat collages, save them, add them to Instagram and make them look awesome! I love both these apps and will be using them more often in the future. Both collages courtesy of Nostalgia.
Starting top left:
* This was today, Mykayla apparently figured out Nostalgia too : ) She stayed home from school with the flu bug that is going around.
* Jordan, Payton, Kayla and Michael at Qdoba on Sunday before swimming
* Michael and I sharing a soda at Alfy's
* Michael with Elmo backpack and lunch pail on his way to see Auntie Cookie for lunch.
Starting top row:
* My niece Elliott on Sunday during the Superbowl. She was cracking me up with the Nerf guns, even made the sounds. Do you think she has several boy cousins? Oh and daddy was in the military ; )
* DJ Mikey Mike (Black & White done on Instagram)
* My niece Jordan playing Barbie fashionista
* Michael and his best bud Elo (Leo) Big hugs!!
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